Associated Members
Finance Sweden offers the possibility of associated membership from 2024. Initially, the offer applies to credit market companies, member banks, and savings banks.
Application for membership are made to Finance Sweden's office, and the decision to accept companies as associated members is made by the Board of Finance Sweden.
Associated members:
Bankgirocentralen BGC AB
105 19 Stockholm
Tel: 08-725 60 00
Bankomat AB
Holländargatan 10
111 36 Stockholm
Tel: 010-588 90 90
Box 24088
104 50 Stockholm
Tel: 010-525 25 00
Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB
Kungsgatan 33
111 56 Stockholm
Tel: 08-411 81 50
Getswish AB
Vattugatan 2
111 52 Stockholm
Sparbanken Syd
Box 252
271 25 Ystad
Tel: 0411-82 20 00
Svensk Exportkredit
Box 194
101 23 Stockholm
Tel: 08-613 83 00
Tibern AB
Linnégatan 18
114 47 Stockholm
Tel: 08-30 28 00